Source code for schemaflow.pipeline

import collections
import logging

import schemaflow.pipe
import schemaflow.types
import schemaflow.exceptions as _exceptions

logger = logging.getLogger('schemaflow')

[docs]class Pipeline(schemaflow.pipe.Pipe): """ A list of :class:`~schemaflow.pipe.Pipe`'s that are applied sequentially. :class:`~schemaflow.pipeline.Pipeline` is a :class:`~schemaflow.pipe.Pipe` and can be part of another :class:`~schemaflow.pipeline.Pipeline`. :param pipes: a ``list`` or ``OrderedDict`` of :attr:`~schemaflow.pipe.Pipe`. If passed as a list, you can either pass pipes or tuples ``(name, Pipe)``. """ def __init__(self, pipes): super().__init__() if isinstance(pipes, collections.OrderedDict): self.pipes = pipes return elif not isinstance(pipes, list): raise TypeError('Pipes must a list or OrderedDict') assert len(pipes) > 0 #: An ``OrderedDict`` whose keys are the pipe's names or ``str(index)`` where ``index`` is the pipe's #: position in the sequence and the values are :attr:`~schemaflow.pipe.Pipe`'s. self.pipes = collections.OrderedDict() for i, item in enumerate(pipes): if isinstance(item, tuple) and len(item) == 2 and isinstance(item[1], schemaflow.pipe.Pipe) and \ isinstance(item[0], str): self.pipes[item[0]] = item[1] elif isinstance(item, schemaflow.pipe.Pipe): self.pipes[str(i)] = item else: raise TypeError('Items must be pipes or 2-element tuples of the form `(str, Pipe)`') @property def fit_requires(self): """ The data schema required in :meth:`~fit`. """ fit_schema = {} data = {} for key, pipe in self.pipes.items(): # not in data => a previous pipe already added this key # not in transform_requires => previous pipe already required this key if pipe.fit_requires: required_data = pipe.fit_requires else: required_data = pipe.transform_requires new_keys = dict((key, datum_type) for key, datum_type in required_data.items() if key not in data and key not in fit_schema) fit_schema.update(new_keys) data = pipe._transform_schema(data) return fit_schema @property def transform_requires(self): """ The data schema required in :meth:`~transform`. """ transform_data = {} data = {} for key, pipe in self.pipes.items(): # not in data => a previous pipe already added this key # not in transform_requires => previous pipe already required this key new_keys = dict((key, datum_type) for key, datum_type in pipe.transform_requires.items() if key not in data and key not in transform_data) transform_data.update(new_keys) data = pipe._transform_schema(data) return transform_data @property def transform_modifies(self): """ The schema modifications that this Pipeline apply in ``transform``. When a key is modified more than once, changes are appended as a list. """ transform_modifies = {} for key, pipe in self.pipes.items(): for key_1, op in pipe.transform_modifies.items(): if key_1 in transform_modifies: if not isinstance(transform_modifies[key_1], list): if op != transform_modifies[key_1]: transform_modifies[key_1] = [transform_modifies[key_1], op] elif op != transform_modifies[key_1][-1]: transform_modifies[key_1].append(op) else: transform_modifies.update(pipe.transform_modifies) return transform_modifies @property def fitted_parameters(self): """ Parameters assigned to fit of each pipe. :return: a dictionary with the pipe's name and their respective :attr:`~schemaflow.pipe.Pipe.fitted_parameters`. """ fitted_parameters = {} for name, pipe in self.pipes.items(): fitted_parameters[name] = pipe.fitted_parameters return fitted_parameters @property def requirements(self): """ Set of packages required by the Pipeline. The union of all :attr:`~schemaflow.pipe.Pipe.requirements` of all pipes in the Pipeline. """ requirements = set() for pipe in self.pipes.values(): requirements = requirements.union(pipe.requirements) return requirements
[docs] def check_transform(self, data: dict=None, raise_: bool=False): errors = [] for key, pipe in self.pipes.items(): try: errors += pipe.check_transform(data, raise_) except _exceptions.SchemaFlowError as e: e.locations.append('of pipe \'%s\' of %s' % (key, self.__class__.__name__)) raise e data = pipe._transform_schema(data) return errors
[docs] def check_fit(self, data: dict, parameters: dict=None, raise_: bool=False): if parameters is None: parameters = {} errors = [] for key, pipe in self.pipes.items(): try: if key in parameters: errors += pipe.check_fit(data, parameters[key], raise_) else: errors += pipe.check_fit(data, {}, raise_) except _exceptions.SchemaFlowError as e: e.locations.append('of pipe \'%s\' of %s' % (key, self.__class__.__name__)) raise e try: errors += pipe.check_transform(data, raise_) except _exceptions.SchemaFlowError as e: e.locations.append('of pipe \'%s\' of %s' % (key, self.__class__.__name__)) raise e data = pipe._transform_schema(data) return errors
[docs] def transform(self, data: dict): """ Applies each of :meth:`~schemaflow.pipe.Pipe.transform` sequentially into ``data``. :param data: a dictionary of pairs ``str, object``. :return: the transformed data. """ for key, pipe in self.pipes.items(): data = pipe.transform(data) return data
[docs] def transform_schema(self, schema: dict): for key, pipe in self.pipes.items(): try: pipe.check_transform(schema, True) except _exceptions.SchemaFlowError as e: e.locations.append('of pipe \'%s\' of %s' % (key, self.__class__.__name__)) raise e schema = pipe.transform_schema(schema) return schema
[docs] def fit(self, data: dict, parameters: dict=None): """ Fits the :attr:`pipes` in sequence: ````, ``p1.transform``, ````, ``p2.transform``, ..., ``pN.transform``. :param data: a dictionary of pairs ``(str, object)``. :param parameters: a dictionary ``{pipe_name: {str: object}}``, where each of its value is the parameters to be passed to the respective's pipe named ``pipe_name``. :return: ``None`` """ if parameters is None: parameters = {} for key, pipe in self.pipes.items(): if key in parameters:, parameters[key]) else: data = pipe.transform(data)
def _logged_transform(self, key, data): input_schema = schemaflow.types.infer_schema(data)'Started transform \'%s\' (%s): %s' % (key, self.pipes[key].__class__.__name__, input_schema)) for error in self.pipes[key].check_transform(input_schema): error.locations.append('in %s' % key) logger.error(str(error)) data = self.pipes[key].transform(data) output_schema = schemaflow.types.infer_schema(data) for error in self.pipes[key].check_transform_modifies(input_schema.copy(), output_schema): error.locations.append('in %s' % key) logger.error(str(error))'Ended transform \'%s\' (%s): %s' % (key, self.pipes[key].__class__.__name__, output_schema)) return data
[docs] def logged_transform(self, data: dict): """ Performs the same operation as :meth:`transform` while logging the schema on each intermediary step. It also logs schema inconsistencies as errors. Specifically, for each pipe, it checks if its input data is consistent with its :attr:`~schemaflow.pipes.Pipe.transform_requires`, and whether its output data is consistent with its :attr:`~schemaflow.pipes.Pipe.transform_modifies`. This greatly helps the Pipeline developer to identify problems in the pipeline. :param data: a dictionary of pairs ``str`` :class:`~schemaflow.types.Type`. :return: the transformed data. """ for key in self.pipes: data = self._logged_transform(key, data) return data
[docs] def logged_fit(self, data: dict, parameters: dict = None): """ Performs the same operation as :meth:`fit` while logging the schema on each intermediary step. It also logs schema inconsistencies as errors. Specifically, for each pipe, it checks if its input data is consistent with its :attr:`~schemaflow.pipes.Pipe.fit_requires`, and whether its state changes is consistent with its :attr:`~schemaflow.pipes.Pipe.fitted_parameters`. This greatly helps the Pipeline developer to identify problems in the pipeline. :param data: a dictionary of pairs ``(str, object)``. :param parameters: a dictionary of pairs ``(str, object)``. :return: ``None`` """ if parameters is None: parameters = {} for key, pipe in self.pipes.items(): schema = schemaflow.types.infer_schema(data)'Started fit \'%s\' (%s): %s' % (key, self.pipes[key].__class__.__name__, schema)) if key in parameters:, parameters[key]) else: state_schema = dict((key, type(value)) for key, value in pipe.state.items())'Ended fit \'%s\' (%s): state=%s' % (key, self.pipes[key].__class__.__name__, state_schema)) data = self._logged_transform(key, data)