Source code for schemaflow.types

import datetime
import importlib.util

import schemaflow.exceptions as _exceptions

def _requirement_fulfilled(requirement: str):
    Returns whether a requirement is fulfilled.

    :return: bool
    return importlib.util.find_spec(requirement) is not None

def _all_subclasses(cls):
    return set(cls.__subclasses__()).union(
        [s for c in cls.__subclasses__() for s in _all_subclasses(c)])

def infer_schema(data: dict):
    subclasses = list(subclass for subclass in _all_subclasses(Type)
                      if subclass.requirements_fulfilled and not subclass.__name__.startswith('_'))

    schema = {}
    for key, value in data.items():
        for subclass in subclasses:
            if isinstance(value, subclass.base_type()):
                schema[key] = subclass.infer(value)
            schema[key] = type(value)
    return schema

def _get_type(instance_type):
    if not isinstance(instance_type, Type):
        instance_type = _LiteralType(instance_type)
    return instance_type

[docs]class Type: """ The base type of all types. Used to declare new types to be used in :class:`schemaflow.pipe.Pipe`. The class attribute :attr:`requirements` (a set of strings) is used to define if using this type has package requirements (e.g. `numpy`). """ requirements = {} #: set of packages required for this type to be usable.
[docs] @classmethod def base_type(cls): """ A class property that returns the underlying type of this Type. :return: """ raise NotImplementedError
@classmethod def infer(cls, instance): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def requirements_fulfilled(cls): """ Returns whether this Type has its requirements fulfilled. :return: bool """ return all(_requirement_fulfilled(requirement) for requirement in cls.requirements)
def _check_as_instance(self, instance: object, raise_: bool): raise NotImplementedError def _check_as_type(self, instance, raise_: bool): if type(instance) != type(self): exception = _exceptions.WrongType(instance, self) if raise_: raise exception return [exception] return []
[docs] def check_schema(self, instance: object, raise_: bool=False): """ Checks that the instance has the correct type and schema (composite types). :param instance: a datum in either its representation form or on its schema form. :param raise_: :return: a list of exceptions """ if isinstance(instance, Type): return self._check_as_type(instance, raise_) else: return self._check_as_instance(instance, raise_)
def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
class _LiteralType(Type): """ A :class:`Type` that wraps literal types (e.g. ``float``). Used internally only. """ def __init__(self, base_type): assert not isinstance(base_type, Type) assert not isinstance(base_type, (list, tuple)) self._base_type = base_type def __repr__(self): return 'L(%s)' % self._base_type @property def base_type(self): return self._base_type def _check_as_instance(self, instance: object, raise_: bool): if not isinstance(instance, self._base_type): exception = _exceptions.WrongType(self._base_type, type(instance)) if raise_: raise exception return [exception] return [] class _DataFrame(Type): """ Abstract schemaflow representation of a DataFrame. See subclasses for Pandas and PySpark. """ def __init__(self, schema: dict): """ :param schema: dictionary of `(column_name, type)`. """ self.schema = schema.copy() for column, base_type in self.schema.items(): if not isinstance(base_type, Type): self.schema[column] = _LiteralType(base_type) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.schema[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.schema[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del self.schema[key] @classmethod def infer(cls, instance): assert isinstance(instance, cls.base_type()) return cls(schema=cls._get_schema(instance)) @staticmethod def _get_schema(instance): """ Return the DataFrame's schema from an instance """ raise NotImplementedError def _check_schema(self, schema, raise_: bool): exceptions = [] for column in self.schema: if column not in schema: exception = _exceptions.WrongSchema(column, set(schema.keys())) if raise_: raise exception exceptions.append(exception) else: column_type = schema[column].base_type expected_type = self.schema[column].base_type if expected_type != column_type: exception = _exceptions.WrongType( expected_type, column_type, 'column \'%s\'' % column) if raise_: raise exception exceptions.append(exception) return exceptions def _check_as_type(self, instance, raise_: bool): exceptions = super()._check_as_type(instance, raise_) if not exceptions: exceptions += self._check_schema(instance.schema, raise_) return exceptions def _check_as_instance(self, instance: object, raise_: bool): if not isinstance(instance, self.base_type()): exception = _exceptions.WrongType(self.base_type(), type(instance)) if raise_: raise exception return [exception] return self._check_schema(self._get_schema(instance), raise_) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.schema)
[docs]class PySparkDataFrame(_DataFrame): """ Representation of a pyspark.sql.DataFrame. Requires ``pyspark``. """ requirements = {'pyspark'}
[docs] @classmethod def base_type(cls): import pyspark.sql return pyspark.sql.DataFrame
@staticmethod def _get_schema(instance): import pyspark.sql.types import numpy mapping = { pyspark.sql.types.LongType: _LiteralType(int), pyspark.sql.types.DoubleType: _LiteralType(float), pyspark.sql.types.BooleanType: _LiteralType(bool), pyspark.sql.types.StringType: _LiteralType(numpy.dtype('O')), pyspark.sql.types.DateType: _LiteralType(, pyspark.sql.types.TimestampType: _LiteralType(datetime.datetime), } return dict((, mapping[type(f.dataType)]) for f in instance.schema.fields)
[docs]class PandasDataFrame(_DataFrame): """ Representation of a pandas.DataFrame. Requires ``pandas``. """ requirements = {'pandas'}
[docs] @classmethod def base_type(cls): import pandas return pandas.DataFrame
@staticmethod def _get_schema(instance): return dict((column, _get_type(column_dtype)) for column, column_dtype in instance.dtypes.items())
class _Container(Type): @classmethod def base_type(cls): return list def __init__(self, items_type): if not isinstance(items_type, Type): items_type = _LiteralType(items_type) self._items_type = items_type @classmethod def infer(cls, instance): assert isinstance(instance, cls.base_type()) inferred_items_type = object if len(instance): inferred_items_type = type(instance[0]) if any(type(item) != inferred_items_type for item in instance): inferred_items_type = object return cls(inferred_items_type) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._items_type.base_type.__name__) def _check_as_type(self, instance, raise_: bool): exceptions = super()._check_as_type(instance, raise_) if not exceptions and self._items_type.base_type != instance._items_type.base_type: exception = _exceptions.WrongType(self, instance) if raise_: raise exception exceptions += [exception] return exceptions def _check_as_instance(self, instance: object, raise_: bool): if not isinstance(instance, self.base_type()): exception = _exceptions.WrongType(self.base_type(), type(instance)) if raise_: raise exception return [exception] exceptions = [] if not exceptions: for i, item in enumerate(instance): exceptions += self._items_type.check_schema(item, raise_) return exceptions
[docs]class List(_Container): pass
[docs]class Tuple(_Container):
[docs] @classmethod def base_type(cls): return tuple
[docs]class Array(_Container): """ Representation of a numpy.array. Requires ``numpy``. """ requirements = {'numpy'} def __init__(self, items_type: type, shape=None): import numpy assert isinstance(items_type, numpy.dtype) or issubclass(items_type, (numpy.generic, float, int, bool)) if items_type == float: items_type = numpy.float64 super().__init__(_LiteralType(items_type)) assert isinstance(shape, (type(None), tuple)) self.shape = shape def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s, %s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._items_type.base_type, self.shape) @classmethod def infer(cls, instance): assert isinstance(instance, cls.base_type()) return cls(instance.dtype, instance.shape) def _check_as_type(self, instance, raise_: bool): exceptions = super()._check_as_type(instance, raise_) if not exceptions: if not self._is_valid_shape(instance.shape): exception = _exceptions.WrongShape(self.shape, instance.shape) if raise_: raise exception exceptions.append(exception) return exceptions def _check_as_instance(self, instance: object, raise_: bool): if not isinstance(instance, self.base_type()): exception = _exceptions.WrongType(self.base_type(), type(instance)) if raise_: raise exception return [exception] exceptions = [] assert hasattr(instance, 'dtype') if instance.dtype == self._items_type.base_type and hasattr(instance, 'shape'): if not self._is_valid_shape(instance.shape): exception = _exceptions.WrongShape(self.shape, instance.shape) if raise_: raise exception exceptions.append(exception) else: exception = _exceptions.WrongType(self._items_type.base_type, instance.dtype) if raise_: raise exception exceptions.append(exception) return exceptions def _is_valid_shape(self, shape): if self.shape is not None: if len(shape) != len(self.shape): return False for required_d, d in zip(self.shape, shape): if required_d is not None and d != required_d: return False return True
[docs] @classmethod def base_type(cls): import numpy return numpy.ndarray